The Information Centre
Here, non-governmental service providers can draft, edit and publish relevant information for migrants, such as information on health services (for example where to get tested for Covid-19), education opportunities (such as information on apprenticeships for refugees), local laws (such as rights and obligations of a tenant) and access to services (how to get an interpreter for hospital visits).
Staff members of NGOs can select the “add new information to the information centre” function and fill in the template (title, description, category, topic, tags and translations). NGO administrators can select for which target group (refugees, migrants, asylum seeker) the information is most relevant, and under which category the information will appear in the migrant application.

There are no limits to the types of information the NGOs can provide. This allows users to focus on topics they are most competent in and on information of services that the NGO provides to migrants. Posts can be edited quickly to reflect up-to-date information. Management of the content is intuitive and requires only basic IT skills.